Creativity Blooms in the Creativity Room

Creativity Blooms in the Family Room

February 15th, 2024

The Family Room’s “Creativity Room” is available to families to create and explore a variety of art forms at their convenience throughout the day. Our goal is to create an inviting atmosphere that allows families flexibility to choose which activities are supportive and meaningful to them.

Sometimes, we coordinate specific art projects or activity kits with step-by-step instructions, but most of the time…families simply create! Art is an excellent tool for processing and expressing thoughts and feelings, and for many families, it provides a welcome distraction and a fun way to connect.

“A special memory was sitting around the table in the Creativity Room! All four of us were making art projects, talking and laughing!”

“We are so appreciative of this space where we could relax and spend time with our granddaughter. I added a piece of lavender fabric to the loom in the Creativity Room which is my granddaughter’s favorite color for her to see after we leave.”


“We used the Creativity Room together and had nice stress-free conversation. My daughter gave the artwork she created to me to take home afterwards. It was beautiful. It was very special to leave with a piece of her. Thank you for providing such a wonderful space!”

“We played a lot of board games in the Family Room and the arts & crafts provided a well-needed distraction. Overall, it was a wonderful experience.”

A huge thank you to everyone who donates art supplies from our Family Room Wish List. We are proud to offer families a variety of fun activities and we could not do so without the support of our amazing community.

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