Send Mail to a Guest Family

Friends and family are welcome to send mail or packages to guest families during their stay. To ensure that external mail and packages reach their intended recipient, please use the following addressing standards:

Ronald McDonald House Charities Eastern Wisconsin
8948 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226

Incorrect addresses can cause your mail to be delayed or returned to the sender. For the privacy and safety of our guest families, we will not disclose any information regarding a family’s stay. Please contact your family directly for their guest information.

RMHC Eastern WI is a family-friendly communal living environment. The following items are not allowed and should not be included in packages:

  • Alcohol of any kind
  • Illegal or inappropriate items (drugs, drug paraphernalia, etc.)
  • Candles or incense
  • Latex balloons
  • RMHC cannot guarantee refrigerated storage of any packages. If your package requires refrigeration, please notify your family ahead of time so they may pick-up their package in a timely manner.

Received mail is placed in individually assigned mailboxes daily. Oversized mail/packages are kept in the family mail room. Families receive a phone call to notify them of package deliveries. If a guest family has already checked-out, every attempt is made to forward mail/packages at the family’s expense. Packages that are unable to be forwarded will be returned to sender.

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Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Wisconsin will not trade, share or sell a donor’s personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.
® RMHC, The following trademarks used herein are owned by McDonald's Corporation and its affiliates; McDonald's, Ronald McDonald House Charities , Ronald McDonald House Charities Logo, RMHC, Ronald McDonald House, Ronald McDonald Family Room, and Ronald McDonald Care Mobile.