News Blog

The Sleepy Secret Garden

February 1st, 2018

The garden is sleeping, resting in the depth of winter, pristine and beautiful.  The House is NOT sleeping or resting  in the middle of this winter season.  Volunteer groups are busy helping tackle big projects like deep cleaning rooms, meal groups continue to prepare delicious comfort foods that nourish our families, art and music therapy provide opportunities for our families…

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Thoughts from the Heart

December 22nd, 2017

Looking out the window into the Secret Garden it’s hard to imagine that Christmas is next week….. Inside the House it’s very clear that something special is happening.  There are beautiful villages carefully placed in the Great Room, tree lights twinkle, snowmen and Santa’s smile and there is magic in the air.  Each and every day wonderful people from places…

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Love Notes: The Bridge

September 7th, 2017

This post was written by Amanda, a mother of two and an RMHC guest. The original post can be found on her personal blog. Bridge   The picture above is of the pedestrian bridge that connects Ronald McDonald House and CHW. This week again I walked this bridge multiple times and got to thinking of my many crossings of this bridge…

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Through a Volunteer’s Eyes: The Magic Room

August 29th, 2017

I am a Hospitality Volunteer at the House and I am also one of the Hospitality Cart Volunteers at Children’s Hospital. Trip to the Magic Room:  It is an amazing room and you realize it the minute you open the door.  It is filled with toys and books.  In the past, when I took our families to the Magic Room,…

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The Magic of Ronald McDonald House

August 17th, 2017

There is something magical about the summer, as a whole new atmosphere is created around us. The grass is greener; days are longer and you feel a bit happier. When I started at Ronald McDonald House at the beginning of the summer, I was told by the staff that the House in the summer is the busiest, but also some of their…

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I’m Proud to Be at RMHC

August 15th, 2017

From my vantage point as the Development Assistant, you might well ask, what could I possibly see or know or feel about this incredible mission we all serve at RMHC? After all, most of my days are spent entering donations in our donor database system, lurking about for duplicate entries, creating and sending thank you notes, extracting data for reports…

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Thanks for Golfing “Fore our Families!”

August 8th, 2017

Another year, another great RMHC “Golfing Fore Our Families” Event! 209 golfers 50 volunteers 40+ sponsors and over $80,000 raised! It definitely was a fun-filled day at Ironwood Golf Course in Sussex, WI with special appearances by Ronald McDonald and the RMHC House Therapy Dog, McNugget.   Golfers enjoyed breakfast sandwiches by the Gouda Girls and sipped on fun libations…

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Sweet and Joyful Moments at Work

August 1st, 2017

I’m not going to lie, sometimes my job is really, really hard- not the actual tasks involved, but the enormity of the tasks before me.   The energy in the House is often palatable and my tender heart sometimes breaks along with the families who are suffering.  And then there are days that make my heart sing. First thing Monday morning…

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Newborn Bag Program

July 11th, 2017

A newborn baby is a miracle that deserves celebration.  It’s a time to shower the new baby with  love, snuggles, and gifts.  At the Ronald McDonald House Charities Eastern Wisconsin, our newborns are welcomed in all shapes and sizes, from preemies to full-term babies with life-threatening illnesses. We help our families celebrate this exciting time by surprising parents with a…

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Kids Can Cook

July 6th, 2017

Have you ever heard the phrase don’t play with your food? At RMHC the House is helping families come together and expand their culinary skills by letting them play with food while cooking healthy options with the House program called, Kids Can Cook.  Kids Can Cook happens once a month in one of our nine kitchens where a special food…

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